Employable and Useful


In today’s challenging economic climate it can be easy to lose hope when envisioning career prospects. This inspiring read opens up the possibilities for prospective candidates who are currently seeking to establish a fulfilling career and renewed sense of purpose.


Chapter 1
Your True Potential

Are you truly living or simply existing? For you were created for a unique and special purpose.  What does your day look like?  For a monotonous life can become not only tedious but unfulfilling.  What picture are you painting your life to look like?  For without a vision you may be creating a dull scene which lacks the essence of creativity and spirit.  What specific plan do you have for your life in both the short term and long term?  For without a defined plan you may be drifting aimlessly through life and end up going wherever the winds and waves take you!

Goal setting is vital if your life is to be worthwhile in which this powerful process will shape your vision into a reality.  To make a conscious effort to plan on purpose is also to live on purpose.  Whatever you desire in life won’t simply fall from the sky into your lap thus a definite strategy must be in place for your visions to come about.

The purpose behind establishing goals is to assist you in being decisive about where exactly you want to go in life, such as where you see yourself in 3 years from now.  This process will enable you to identify where to concentrate your efforts and to streamline your activities accordingly.  Once your specific aims have been realised you will be in a better position to recognise the distractions when they come about. 

To have long term goals in place provides you with an overall vision yet it additionally helps you with regards being motivated in the short term as you journey towards your goals.  Highly accomplished persons from various fields make use of the process of setting goals in order to focus their energies in a specific place i.e. athletes, business people, entrepreneurs and the like. This enables them to release the knowledge they have thus acquired in an orderly fashion, with their time being organised to achieve their dreams.  Once you become confident in the setting and accomplishing of your goals your self-confidence will simultaneously increase enabling you to expand your vision.

The setting of goals can be followed in orderly steps whereby your significant lifetime goals can be written down in the first instance to begin accomplishing your objectives.  Hence, written down instead of merely held in your thoughts, for thoughts can dissipate or even be forgotten yet the discipline of writing down your goals is an important step not to be missed as this makes them crystallize and increase the likelihood of success.  Your ideas written down can then be impressed upon your mind in such a way as to make them a priority in your thoughts and to be translated as a possibility for your future.  Articulating your goals by this procedure brings a renewed sense of clarity of thought that can be worked upon on a regular basis.

A broad and balanced coverage of the departments of your life can be compartmentalised into the main aspects of your life that require decision making.  In this fashion you can summarize your life by diving it into the main categories in which an example is shown as follows:
Public Service
Social Life
Personal Development/Character
[Add another category]
[Add another category]
[Add another category]

For each of these categories you can further your ideas by brainstorming relevant and keywords that relate to that component.  This will assist you in opening up your creativity and going beyond any former perceived limitations.  By this method you will begin to create a diagram in which the centre will be the main theme and the other components of the diagram will comprise the sub-categories or ideas connected with the main theme.  For example if the main theme was listed as ‘career’ then the keywords that come from this could be ‘qualifications’, ‘achievement’, ‘service’, ‘dedication’, ‘awards’ and any other connotations that come to mind.

Following the establishment of your lifetime goals you can then begin to explore the smaller goals that make up the smaller stages in the achievement towards your lifetime goals.  By this you would then create a plan which could cover the span of 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years or another time period that is relevant for your journey.  With these setting in place it is then advisable to create a daily ‘to-do-list’ that is in line with the vision of your aims that you want to achieve overall.  Your plans would need to be reviewed periodically and then modified to then reflect any modifications required in adaptation to your experiences and advancing knowledge.  Your goals would need to be realistic with the aim of accomplishing them in smaller stages that have targets dates of when you set to out to achieve them by.  In this way you would have taken the time to establish specific time periods of fulfilling the components of your vision.

Along with goal setting it is vital to take into account your daily habits as this habit over time will have an impact on the direction of your life.  It is in your daily decisions and habits that can be measured against your overall success.  Poor habits can prove to be detrimental over time whether physically, spiritually or from a mental perspective.  For instance, a continued daily lifestyle of harmful drugs, lack of exercise, poor diet may see a person less healthy in the long term thus you need to keep check on where your habits are leading you.

You can make a conscious decision to keep track of your habits by either creating a written checklist in a small notepad that can be ticked off as you carry out each habit.  This method is also widely used by a great deal of people via online facilities on the Internet in which you can tick off your habits online and refer back to them at any stage keeping you own personal online record. 


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